A trick that helps avoiding multiple table scans.

Let’s look at a fairly simple SQL problem:

In a traditional scott.emp table, find all employees who work in the same department as the president.

  • Make your query work even if there are more than 1 president records exist in emp table
  • Make Oracle scan emp table just ONCE

A “traditional” solution to this problem may look like this:

Strategy #1: Using a subquery

FROM scott.emp
WHERE deptno IN (SELECT deptno 
                 FROM scott.emp 
                 WHERE job='PRESIDENT')

or this:

Strategy #2: Using a self-join

FROM scott.emp a JOIN scott.emp b ON a.deptno=b.deptno

Note, that DISTINCT option in the above query is needed to prevent duplicates if there were multiple presidents in а specific department.

Both solutions above use 2 copies of the emp table which makes oracle scan the same scott.emp table twice.

A trick presented below allows you to use only a single copy of the emp table to solve the problem. The trick involves different conceptual and technical approaches compared to the solutions we have seen so far.

Conceptually, we should rephrase the problem in a way that would keep it identical and at the same time allows us to use different technical arsenal. This approach is explained in a detailed manner in my book “Oracle SQL Tricks and Workarounds”. We can rephrase the puzzle and say that we are looking for employees from departments with some “positive” number of presidents working there. Technically speaking, we need to use analytic function COUNT and check if it is greater than 0:

Strategy #3: Using analytic function COUNT

SELECT e.*, 
FROM scott.emp e
SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno
WHERE cnt>0
ORDER BY empno

We do need to use a common table expression as we cannot filter out by analytic function in the same query where the function is used. Nevertheless, we scan the emp table just once, and during this scan, Oracle engine counts the number of presidents in each department.

COUNT is not the only analytic function that can be employed to solve the problem.

Strategy #4: Using analytic function LISTAGG

SELECT e.*, 
         WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY job) OVER(PARTITION BY deptno) jobs
FROM scott.emp e 
SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno
WHERE '|' || jobs || '|' LIKE '%|PRESIDENT|%'
ORDER BY empno

Instead of counting the presidents by department, we simply concatenate all the job titles and check if the resulting string includes a president.

Finally, if you don’t like using sub-queries in general, we can leverage the power of MODEL clause:

Strategy #5: Using MODEL clause to avoid sub-queries

SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno
FROM scott.emp
MEASURES(ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno, 0 dummy) 
RULES(dummy[ANY, 1]=1)
ORDER BY empno

The tricky part here is using a composition of SIGN, COUNT, and DECODE functions (i.e. SIGN on top of what we used in Strategy #3) as a secondary dimension and empno as primary. Employee number is unique by itself, so adding another dimension will still maintain uniqueness required by MODEL clause. The only MODEL RULE changes the dummy measure which “triggers” the “RETURN UPDATED ROWS” instruction and returns only those rows where the dummy dimension was set to 1 – notice that its default value is 0.

You can check the execution plan for all of the above strategies to see how many times Oracle scans the emp table.


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Suggested Reading:

Would you like to read about many more tricks and puzzles? For more clever tricks and cool techniques check my book “Oracle SQL Tricks and Workarounds”.



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