How to Dynamically Generate SELECT Statement with all Table Columns Excluding a Given List

Problem: Dynamically Generate SELECT Statement with all Table Columns Excluding a Given List

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Let say, we need to dynamically generate a SELECT statement that lists all columns from emp table except for hiredate and comm.

SQL Solution:

SELECT 'SELECT ' || LOWER(LISTAGG(column_name,', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY column_id)) || ' FROM ' || table_name AS SQL
FROM user_tab_columns
WHERE table_name='EMP'
  AND column_name NOT IN ('COMM', 'HIREDATE')
GROUP BY table_name

SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, sal, deptno FROM EMP

You can also do it in a number of different ways in PL/SQL.

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